10/25/21 School Board Meeting Guide

A social-emotional learning survey, new high school courses, and the resignation of Dr. Bacher (board president) were the main things you missed from last night’s board meeting.

The Critical Race Theory Canard

Critical race theory is not taught in the East Penn Schools. Reasonable people of good will can be excused for not knowing this, however, given the amount of disinformation about the topic being generated by the for-profit outrage machine on cable tv and social media.

An Equity Lens on School Safety

Equity in the schools requires continual work. And it requires we recognize how racial disparities in the pandemic might influence decision-making about school safety.

1/25/21 School Board Meeting Guide

No major decisions were made at last night’s board meeting, but several students shared concerns about how racism is (not) dealt with in the district.

12/14/20 School Board Meeting Guide

Running schools during a pandemic and racial equity were the two main issues at last night’s board meeting. East Penn will be fully remote from Dec. 16 to Jan. 11.
