photo credit: woodleywonderworks via photopin cc
A poll of Pennsylvania voters completed just last week shows strong support for public education in our state– including support for restoring adequate funding to the schools. More than three quarters of voters (77%) are concerned about school funding cuts, and public school funding is the #1 most important issue voters want our public officials to address– more important than even healthcare, taxes, and crime (see graph below).
This is especially heartening news in our own community, where efforts to defund the schools– without any sense of what is being cut, or even if such cuts are legal— continue to dominate media coverage of our school district.
I believe we need school board members who can balance fiscal responsibility with our community’s need for excellent public schools. And I think we need members who have the educational qualifications and professional experience with complex budgets to make intelligent, meaningful contributions to the funding discussions in the future.
The survey I cite here was conducted by the national polling firm Lake Research Partners. Complete results of the survey are available here.