The East Penn School board met last night; here are the issues discussed that I think will be of most interest to the community:
Jeff Jankowski appointed to the board: The board chose between Mr. Jankowsi and Naomi Winch to fill the vacancy left by Seth Flanders’ recent resignation. He will serve only until November, when voters will decide on a more permanent replacement (more on that tomorrow!). Watch here.
Communities in Schools (CIS): The board discussed a plan to expand CIS from the high school into the middle schools. CIS is a non-profit organization that assists students with non-academic barriers to education (like mental health, poverty, and family issues). CIS has given the district a grant to cover 40% of the cost of the expanded program for the first three years. The plan was approved by the board in an 8-1 vote. Watch here. Information on the CIS presentation to the board last month is here.
New middle school computer and business curriculum: Both Eyer and LMMS have revamped the 12-week course all students take to expose them to computer applications, computer coding, online privacy, financial literacy and career planning. Watch here; presentation slides and formal curriculum documents here.
Proposed final budget update: The budget numbers have changed over the last few months, allowing the district to lower the tax increase for next year to an estimated 0.42%. The board will vote on the final 2019-2020 budget at the next meeting (June 10th). Watch here; updated budget documents here; also check out my School Budgets 101.
Start time task force: Superintendent Campbell updated the board on the work of the group looking into pushing back when the high school and middle schools begin each school day. The American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease Control, and other experts recommend such a change. Watch here; you can read about my resolution to create this task force here.