Do you ever wonder what it’s like for our kids to be doing school from home right now? I asked Jeremy Sharpless, a neighbor of mine who is currently finishing 4th grade at Lincoln Elementary, to share his perspective:
When do you do your schoolwork, now that you have to do it all from home? How much time does it take?
I do it in the morning. It takes about 2 hours.
Do your parents help you with your schoolwork?
What do you like most about doing your schoolwork from home?
Doing it with no help. I don’t have to ask as many questions, because everything is on Google Classroom.
What is the most interesting assignment you’ve done from home?
I like art stuff. I had to draw some superheroes for one art assignment.
What is the hardest thing about doing your schoolwork from home?
The hardest thing is staying in a comfortable place. Because I’m just sitting there for a long time.
What is it like to not be able to see your school friends while the schools are closed?
Not being able to see my friends is really hard.
How do you like to spend your time when you aren’t working on schoolwork?
I like to spend my time outside if it’s a nice day or, if it’s not, I like to watch a movie.
What else do you want people to know about doing school from home?
It’s really boring and hard to not really see anyone but your family. And it’s also really hard to not see your best friends IN PERSON.
Many thanks to Jeremy for sharing his thoughts. As you can see, he doesn’t use twenty words when two will do! One thing I learned from talking to Jeremy was how matter-of-factly young students can take the massive changes to education we’re confronting right now. Perhaps our youngest students can roll with the punches better than some of us adults! I’ll be sharing perspectives from middle school and high school students later this week.