Another school year is upon us! We’re trying something new in the Munson house starting today: the cell phone basket. All cell phones must be placed in a basket in our living room whenever a person comes home. No keeping a phone in a pocket or bedroom, or at a desk or table. People can check their phone as often as they want, but only if they’re standing next to the basket. The new rule applies to kids and adults alike!
We’re hoping the rule will help us all with more quality family time, homework time, and generally being more ‘present’ in our lives. The Age of Distraction is fully upon us, with apps that have been carefully engineered to addict us. The phone basket rule is our attempt to find some balance between the pleasures and convenience of modern technology on the one hand, and the value of personal relationships and focused attention on the other. So please keep your fingers crossed for the success of our basket rule!
How about you? I’m interested in what other East Penn families are doing to kick off the school year. Do you have certain rules or traditions in your house to keep the Cell Phone Beast at bay? Please, share them in the comments below.
PS: I’m pretty sure the rule is going to be harder for the adults to follow than the kids…